With Funels, the cost of generating, retaining, and closing your leads just became attainable.
Choose one of the packages below and begin your journey to more closed deals and higher revenue.
100% Safe & Secure Payments
Membership fees do not include text and email fees when using the software.
per month
2-Way Text & Email Conversation
GMB Messaging
Web Chat
Reputation Management
Facebook Messenger
GMB Call Tracking
Missed Call Text Back
Text To Pay Invoicing
per month
Everything in Basic
Email Marketing
per month
Everything in Professional
Trigger Links
SMS & Email Templates
All Reporting
Social Planner
We’re so happy that you’re interested in purchasing from Funels. Our platform is a fully customizable platform that drives revenue and leads.
A single platform for your business’ sales and marketing needs.
After purchasing a Funels subscription plan you will receive an email containing login information to gain access to your account at app.funels.com.
First, please make sure that you have submitted your e-mail address correctly for delivery purposes.
Second, please check your email “SPAM/Junk” folder to see if the e-mail has been held by your anti-spam filters. The delivery e-mail was sent to you from Funels “funels.com.”
Third, you may contact our representatives for assistance at 1-888-386-3571 or by submitting a form at funels.com/contact-us
Subscription/membership fees are non-refundable.
However, in order to receive a guaranteed full refund, any cancellations of Product purchases must be made within 24 hours of placing the order. Cancellations of purchases of Services must be made within 48 hours of placing the order. Cancellations made outside of these time limits, or after anything has been downloaded or consumed, may only be eligible for a partial refund, at Legacy Partners, LLC’s exclusive discretion.
Refunds for purchases of digital products from Funels are limited to partial refunds as described below, and available only if the following requirements are met:
1. You must submit a refund request by sending an e-mail to sales@funels.com;
2. Your refund request must be made within 24 hours of your purchase
3. You must not have downloaded, viewed, or consumed any of the digital products
4. You must follow the instructions in your refund confirmation e-mail regarding the refund.
In order to receive a guaranteed full refund, any cancellations of Product purchases must be made within 24 hours of placing the order. Cancellations of purchases of Services must be made within 48 hours of placing the order. Cancellations made outside of these time limits, or after anything has been downloaded or consumed, may only be eligible for a partial refund, at Legacy Partners, LLC’s exclusive discretion.
Refunds for purchases of digital products from Funels are limited to partial refunds as described below, and available only if the following requirements are met:
1. You must submit a refund request by sending an e-mail to sales@funels.com
2. Your refund request must be made within 24 hours of your purchase
3. You must NOT have downloaded, viewed, or consumed any of the digital products
4. You must follow the instructions in your refund confirmation e-mail regarding the refund.
We’re sorry you’re having trouble resetting your password.
To reset passwords please visit https://app.funels.com/forgot_password?email=.
If that is not working for you, please contact customer support at 1-888-386-3571 or you can use the chat support down in the right hand corner of your screen.
We’re sorry to see you go. Before you leave, please let us know why and how we can improve our business.
In order to receive a guaranteed full refund, any cancellations of Product purchases must be made within 24 hours of placing the order. Cancellations of purchases of Services must be made within 48 hours of placing the order. Cancellations made outside of these time limits, or after anything has been downloaded or consumed, may only be eligible for a partial refund, at Legacy Partners, LLC’s exclusive discretion.
To end your subscription please contact us at funels.com/contact-us.
We do have an affiliate program.
Contact us directly for more information surrounding our affiliate program.
We manually review all applications within 2 business days. Once your application is approved, we will send you setup instructions as well as banners and text links that you can put on your website.